Two Pea's in a Pod

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Location: Frisco, Texas, United States

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Pot Holes!!!

As many of you know I always refer to Wade and my life as a highway. I always use analogues and try to be positive and find humor in all things!! But I do have to say lately I think that our highway of life has been a rough one with many potholes!!

I can not even begin to list them all, but I can say that I have one gift that I have been given from all this and it is that through all this adversity I have become a lover of life itself and appreciate life and love it in a way's that I have never known before. I look at simple things and tasks and they bring me such joy. Just yesterday the sounds of the chirping little birds outside the window and the blooming popcorn trees outside are things I might have seen but not have taken a minute and noticed and thought of and thanked my heavenly father for the beautiful things he created for us here on earth.

So let each day put a little magic in your life and a little laughter in your heart!!


Blogger 3 boys and a lady said...

You are so cute. I too am in loove with those popcaorn trees (oh primary) we don't have luscious plants in Vegas

2:33 PM  
Blogger Kristen said...

I like this entry! Hope you are doing better. We've been thinking about you a lot. Hey, we are going to Houston for the summer. How close is Houston to where you guys are? We should hook up!

12:06 PM  
Blogger Andy & Angie Wycherly said...

You are such a inspiring person! Talk about makeing lemonaid from a bunch of lemons. I wish I could keep such a positive outlook. You are the best. Hope you are feeling better.

4:08 PM  

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